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Did you like this game? is an excellent multiplayer .io game where you need to control a car that has a circular flair attached.
You need to try and improve the size of your flail and utilize it to destroy other players. How big is your flail begins tiny and it increases when you accumulate the crystals that are scattered on the map - crystals also seem when an enemy is demolished and the bigger they were, the bigger the crystals that are fell.
When you touch another player’s flail then you are deleted and must start again - alternatively, if you have the ability to touch another player with your flail, you will destroy them. This game is overly busy and you simply must exercise and stay alert.
You need to look out for the red areas just like you touch them you'll be instantly demolished. Moreover, look out for the small inexperienced triangular figures - you can step on these to boost your mass. Is it possible to be brutal and conquer the world, or are you considering deleted?
This game is easy to play; however, it is hard to master. You need to release your flail and click again to get it back.
You should develop your own smart strategies to catch your opponents
You should grad energy from various sources to grow your flail
You need to use your mouse to move
Left-click to detach flail
You need to hold left click to attach the flail