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Did you like this game? is an interesting online game in which you will have the feeling of starting off as a king, capturing all pieces to conquer the map
HOW TO PLAY is an io game that is inspired by Chess. You begin as a king, capturing pieces to aid in the protection of your monarch and to add to your side of the board, and then attempting to conquer the map. Understanding the fundamental laws of chess will assist you in thriving in this hugely multiplayer chess universe.
Even though this game isn't precisely like chess, keep in mind that it follows the same principles. If your king is captured, you lose, thus it's critical to keep your king safe first. One of the most significant changes from chess is that in Xess, there are no turns; you can move your pieces around as many times as you want, however you must still follow each piece's formal moves. As a result, pieces like the queen, which can move in any direction, are extremely valuable. You must be quick and aware of all of your pieces in order to succeed in this game.
All you need to play is a mouse; all pieces are controlled by clicking and then clicking elsewhere to progress to the next tile. You can also control the camera with your mouse by dragging it off the screen towards your cursor.